Selection of Previous Clients


UK Clients

University of Dundee, United Kingdom
Access to a variety of dashboard modules, including Premium Market Analysis Module, City Analysis Module, Competitor Analysis Tool, Portfolio Development Module, Focus Country Selector, Focus Country Interest Benchmark and Domestic Benchmark Module

University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Access to portfolio development module to identify new target audiences, improve the university’s prospect-to-applicant conversions and achieve a better ROI. View case study →

University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Development of several customised dashboards with live data feed to provide the Strategy and Planning department with real-time data on market trends, seasonal trend analysis, city-level trends, etc. The dashboards are also used to develop and test prospective new (online) degree programmes

University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Development of several fully customised dashboards with live data feed, which, among other things, is used to develop and test prospective new online degree programmes. Stewart Laing gave an interview on how the University of Edinburgh uses the dataset and the dashboards that Studyportals Analytics & Consulting Team developed for them. Watch the interview

University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Development of a fully customised dashboard with live data feed, to inform the Strategy and Planning department about the impact of the Brexit referendum on student interest in continental Europe and the UK on the programme portfolio of the University of Nottingham. Thomas Loya gave a video testimonial on how the University of Nottingham uses the data and dashboard that Studyportals Analytics and Consulting Team provided. See testimonial

University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Development of a fully customised set of dashboards to provide the Strategy and Planning department with real-time data on market trends, competitor benchmarks, seasonal trend analysis etc. View case study →

University of London, United Kingdom
Access to several dashboard modules, including premium market analysis module, focus country selector, competitor analysis tool

Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom
Market analysis for Master’s programmes, live dashboard, competitor analysis and keyword analysis. View case study →

Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom
Access to various dashboard modules, including premium market analysis module with historical data, portfolio development module as well as retainer days

Coventry University, United Kingdom
Live data dashboard on demand and supply of international students

London South Bank University, United Kingdom
Live data dashboard on demand and supply of international students

Ulster University, United Kingdom
Live data dashboard on demand and supply of international students and a quick scan of Ulster Sports Academy

CEG Digital, United Kingdom
Access to a variety of dashboard modules, including portfolio development module, focus country selector, programme name optimiser as well as a fully custom dashboard. View case study →

Asia-Pacific Clients

University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Access to a variety of dashboard modules, including Competitor Analysis Tool, Premium Market Analysis Module, Portfolio Development Module

University of Canberra, Australia
Development of several customised dashboards with live data feed to provide the Strategy and Planning department with real-time data on market trends, seasonal trend analysis, city-level trends, etc.

University of Western Australia, Australia
Development of several customised dashboards with live data feed to provide the Strategy and Planning department with real-time data on city-level trends

University of Auckland, New Zealand
Development of custom-made reports to evaluate the market opportunity for their online portfolio development

The University of Newcastle Australia, Australia
Development of custom-made reports to improve their portfolio attractiveness and international student recruitment strategy

Online Education Services (OES), Australia
Development of a custom-made report to evaluate the market opportunity for their online portfolio development as well as a market insight dashboard

Europe, the Middle East and Africa clients

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands
Market research reports and development of a fully custom dashboard

Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands
Access to a variety of dashboard modules, including Premium Market Analysis Module and Portfolio Development Module. View case study →

The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Development of a series of market research reports and access to a variety of dashboard modules, including Focus Country Selector, Portfolio Development Module, Student Interest Trends Module

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Development of international marketing plan and country action plans for School of Law & staff development training on working with agents. Development and implementation of international marketing plan for IHS, including the selection & implementation of CRM system, development of new website and alumni policy and e-marketing. Market research and competitor analysis

Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
Selection of agents in China for the Faculty of Economics and Business, analysis of potential recruitment markets and international strategy development, staff development training, and market analysis of India

Wageningen University, Netherlands
Advice on Talent Recruitment and benchmark on international student services.

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands
Advice on marketing & recruitment operations and on international branding & positioning and development of a marketing plan for the Groningen International School of Law, the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences and staff development workshops for all international marketing & recruitment staff. Online student survey into setting up of new Bachelor’s degree

Utrecht University, Netherlands
Staff development workshop on marketing and recruitment, benchmark of 6 master programmes and advice on international marketing, tailor-made introductory course on Marketing for all MarCom staff

University of Twente, Netherlands
Competitor analysis and advice on target markets

University of Antwerp, Belgium
Inventory of models of internationalisation policy and implementation

Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Staff development workshop and external evaluation of Erasmus Mundus Action 2 project

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Benchmark of Dutch universities on international marketing and recruitment operations and sales training for all international marketing & recruitment staff

Sabanci University, Turkey
Market research for new degree programmes

University of Oulu, Finland
Portfolio, market and focus country analysis

Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Development of international marketing strategy both the Haifa and the Guangdong (China) campus

The Graduate Institute Geneva (formerly IUED), Switzerland
Position paper on tuition fees policy

HU Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Development of international marketing strategy & staff development workshop on working with agents

Nyenrode Business Universiteit, Netherlands
Staff development workshop on working with agents

Aalesund University College, Norway
Staff development workshop & strategy seminar

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
SWOT analysis and development of international marketing strategy for International Business School and for MSc in Occupational Therapy, as well as website review and development of a new website

Tio University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
External Advisor International Strategy and various projects on marketing & recruitment and market intelligence on focus countries

Jönköping University, Sweden
Workshop on marketing & recruitment

Ural Federal University, Russia
Market analysis of 10 Asian and 6 Latin American countries and review of website

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Development of a marketing strategy and market research for a new degree programme

Breda University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Market research on focus countries and discipline interest, review of partner institutions and development of marketing plan

Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Advice on tuition fees and scholarships for non-EEA students

University of Vaasa, Finland
Quick scan, needs analysis and advice on tuition fees and scholarships for non-EEA students

Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Review of international degree programme portfolio

NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Competitor analysis, portfolio and market analysis and market opportunities dashboard

Yasar University, Turkey
Competitor analysis

Masaryk University and consortium of Moravian universities, Czech Republic
Market and focus country analysis for Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD programmes

University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg
Identification and selection of CRM and Event Management System

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
Competitor, market and focus country analysis and A/B testing and live dashboard

Sciences Po, France
Development of institution wide international marketing strategy and set up of web analytics and review of website

Avans University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Development of international marketing strategy for Avans School of International Studies

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
Market analysis

North American clients

edX, USA
Live student interest dashboard

San Diego State University, USA
Live student interest dashboard

University of Missouri Saint Louis, USA
Live student interest dashboard

SUNY Buffalo, USA
Live student interest dashboard

Keypath Education Inc, USA
Live dashboard

Pearson, USA
Live data dashboard on demand and supply of international students

National agencies & international organisations

European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Spain
Supplied data and analyses on the education offer in several technological domains to support the European Commission’s Directorate Growth and Innovation of the Joint Research Centre in assessing and measuring the social and economic impacts of Digital Transformation in Europe and worldwide, which was used as input to the EC’s JRC Technical Report “Academic offer and demand for advanced profiles in the EU; Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing and Cybersecurity

British Council IELTS, United Kingdom
Bespoke lead generation and cross-domain tracking solutions; custom SEO portal with 6,000+ landing pages; data analysis & consolidation; market research

Market insights and dashboard

Archimedes, Estonia
Staff development workshop and global market analysis

Study in Denmark (formerly CIRIUS), Denmark
Staff development workshop

EAIE, Netherlands
Contribution to 4 training courses in the field of Marketing & Recruitment and editing of Occasional Paper

DAAD, Germany
Staff development workshop on international marketing & recruitment

Education New Zealand, New Zealand
Staff development workshop on international marketing & recruitment

DZS, Czech Republic
Market insights dashboard

Austrade, Australia
Development of a report on the attractiveness of Australia as a study destination

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